Crack the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty Exam

Introduction to AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty

The AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty certification is a sought-after credential for IT professionals looking to enhance their skills in designing, implementing, and managing complex networking solutions on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. In this introduction, we will cover:

  • Exam Overview: The certification exam validates an individual’s expertise in designing and implementing complex networking solutions on AWS, including hybrid network architectures.
  • Benefits: Earning this certification can boost your career opportunities, as organizations value professionals who can manage and implement advanced networking architectures on AWS.
  • Preparation Tips: To prepare for the exam, it’s essential to have a strong understanding of networking technologies and concepts and hands-on experience with AWS services. Utilize various resources such as online courses, AWS official resources, and practice exams to enhance your knowledge and skills.

By pursuing the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty certification, you can demonstrate your expertise in this field and unlock new career opportunities in the IT industry.

Exam Overview and Requirements

The AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty certification is designed for IT professionals with experience designing and implementing complex networking solutions on AWS. This exam validates your ability to manage and implement advanced networking architectures on AWS and hybrid IT network architectures at scale. Here’s an overview of the exam and its requirements:

  1. Prerequisites: Although there are no specific prerequisites to sit for the exam, it is recommended to have at least one associate-level certification, such as the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, and a solid foundation of knowledge in AWS services and networking protocols.
  2. Experience: Candidates should have at least 5 years of networking experience, with at least 2 years of cloud and hybrid networking experience.
  3. Exam Format: The exam consists of 65 multiple-choice and multiple-response questions, delivered through Pearson VUE testing centers or as an online proctored exam.
  4. Exam Content: The AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam covers various topics, including VPCs and subnets, hybrid connectivity with Direct Connect and VPN, AWS networking services, and troubleshooting complex networking architectures.
  5. Recertification: AWS Certifications are valid for 3 years, and you must periodically demonstrate your continued expertise by recertifying to maintain your AWS Certified status.

To prepare for the exam, it’s essential to have a strong understanding of networking technologies and concepts and hands-on experience with AWS services. Utilize various resources such as online courses, AWS official resources, and practice exams to enhance your knowledge and skills.

AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty Domains

In the following sections, we’ll review requirements for all AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty knowledge domains.

Network Design

The Network Design domain is a crucial part of the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam, accounting for 30% of the exam content. This domain focuses on designing and maintaining network architectures in AWS, using core AWS services to perform networking tasks. Key topics covered in this domain include:

  1. Edge Network Service Architectures: Designing solutions using Amazon CloudFront and AWS Global Accelerator for improved performance and availability.
  2. Advanced DNS Solutions: Implementing public, private, and hybrid DNS scenarios using Amazon Route 53 and Route 53 Resolver.
  3. VPCs and Subnets: Designing and configuring Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) and subnets to support various networking scenarios.
  4. Hybrid Connectivity: Implementing hybrid network solutions that span multiple locations on-premises and in AWS, using AWS Direct Connect, AWS Site-to-Site VPN, and Transit Gateway.
  5. AWS Networking Services: Understanding and utilizing various AWS networking services, such as Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon API Gateway, and AWS PrivateLink.

To excel in this domain, it’s essential to have a strong understanding of networking technologies and concepts and hands-on experience with AWS services. Utilize various resources such as online courses, AWS official resources, and practice exams to enhance your knowledge and skills.

Network Implementation

The Network Implementation domain is another essential part of the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam, focusing on the practical aspects of deploying and managing network architectures on AWS. This domain accounts for 26% of the exam content and covers the following key topics:

  1. Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs): Understanding and configuring ENIs for improved network performance and security.
  2. Elastic IPs: Managing and allocating Elastic IP addresses for AWS resources.
  3. Elastic Network Adapters: Utilizing enhanced networking capabilities for high-performance computing workloads.
  4. VPC Gateways: Implementing and managing VPC gateways, such as Internet Gateways, NAT Gateways, and Virtual Private Gateways.
  5. VPC Interfaces: Configuring VPC endpoints and PrivateLink for secure access to AWS services.
  6. Infrastructure as Code: Automating network infrastructure deployment using AWS CloudFormation, AWS CDK, and Boto3.
  7. Hybrid Networking: Implementing and managing hybrid network architectures, including authorization, authentication, monitoring, logging, and continuous delivery.

To succeed in this domain, it’s crucial to have hands-on experience with AWS services and a strong understanding of networking technologies and concepts. Utilize various resources such as online courses, AWS official resources, and practice exams to enhance your knowledge and skills.

Network Management and Operation

The Network Management and Operation domain is a vital part of the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam, focusing on the operational aspects of managing and maintaining network architectures on AWS. This domain accounts for 20% of the exam content and covers the following key topics:

  1. Monitoring and Logging: Implementing monitoring and logging solutions for AWS and hybrid networks, using services like Amazon CloudWatch, VPC Flow Logs, and AWS CloudTrail.
  2. Network Troubleshooting: Identifying and resolving network issues in AWS and hybrid environments, utilizing tools like AWS X-Ray, AWS Trusted Advisor, and third-party solutions.
  3. Network Security: Ensuring network security by implementing AWS security best practices, such as network access control lists (ACLs), security groups, and AWS WAF.
  4. Network Performance: Optimizing network performance using techniques like AWS Direct Connect, AWS Global Accelerator, and Amazon CloudFront.
  5. Network Automation: Automating network management tasks using AWS CloudFormation, AWS SDKs, and APIs.

To excel in this domain, it’s crucial to have hands-on experience with AWS services and a strong understanding of networking technologies and concepts. Utilize various resources such as online courses, AWS official resources, and practice exams to enhance your knowledge and skills.

Network Security, Compliance, and Governance

The Network Security, Compliance, and Governance domain is a critical part of the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam, focusing on the security aspects of managing and maintaining network architectures on AWS. This domain accounts for 24% of the exam content and covers the following key topics:

  1. Authentication and Authorization: Implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms, such as SAML and Active Directory, to secure AWS and hybrid networks.
  2. Network Security: Ensuring network security by implementing AWS security best practices, such as security groups, network ACLs, and AWS Network Firewall.
  3. Compliance: Understanding and adhering to compliance requirements for AWS and hybrid networks, including data protection and privacy regulations.
  4. Governance: Implementing governance strategies for AWS and hybrid networks, including resource tagging, monitoring, and auditing.
  5. Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating risks associated with AWS and hybrid networks, including data breaches, DDoS attacks, and other security threats.

To excel in this domain, it’s crucial to have hands-on experience with AWS services and a strong understanding of networking technologies and concepts. Utilize various resources such as online courses, AWS official resources, and practice exams to enhance your knowledge and skills.

Study Resources and Strategies

To prepare for the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam, utilizing various resources and strategies to enhance your knowledge and skills is essential. Here are some recommended resources and strategies to help you succeed:

Online Courses

  1. [Udemy] AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty by Stephen Maarek
  2. Cantrill: AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty
  3. Pluralsight: AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty (ANS-C00)

These online courses provide comprehensive coverage of the exam topics, including video lectures, quizzes, and hands-on labs.

AWS Official Resources

  1. AWS Training: Exam Readiness: AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty
  2. AWS Training: Advanced Networking – Digital and Classroom Training
  3. AWS Certified Advanced Networking Official Study Guide: Specialty Exam

AWS offers official resources, including exam readiness training, digital and classroom training, and a study guide to help you prepare for the exam.

Practice Exams

  1. Udemy: Practice Exam – AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty
  2. Whizlabs: AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty
  3. TestPrepTraining: AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty (ANS-C01)

Practice exams are essential for assessing your knowledge and identifying areas that may require further study. These resources provide high-quality practice questions with detailed explanations to help you understand the concepts and prepare for the exam.

By utilizing these resources and strategies, you can effectively prepare for the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam and boost your chances of success.

Tips and Tricks for Exam Success

Preparing for the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam can be challenging, but you can increase your chances of success with the right approach and strategies. Here are some tips and tricks to help you excel in the exam:

  1. Understand the Exam Objectives: Familiarize yourself with the exam domains and objectives, as this will help you focus your study efforts on the most relevant topics.
  2. Hands-on Experience: Gain hands-on experience with AWS services and networking technologies, as practical knowledge is essential for success in the exam.
  3. Create a Study Plan: Develop a study plan that outlines your learning objectives, resources, and a timeline for completing your preparation.
  4. Utilize Multiple Resources: Use a combination of online courses, AWS official resources, and practice exams to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the exam topics.
  5. Take Notes: While studying, take notes on key concepts, terms, and techniques to reinforce your understanding and aid in retention.
  6. Practice, Practice, Practice: Regularly attempt practice exams to assess your knowledge, identify areas for improvement, and familiarize yourself with the exam format.
  7. Join Study Groups: Participate in online forums and study groups to share knowledge, discuss concepts, and learn from the experiences of others.
  8. Review and Revise: Regularly review your notes and revise the topics to ensure you retain the information and are well-prepared for the exam.
  9. Manage Exam Time Effectively: During the exam, manage your time wisely by answering questions you are confident about first and then returning to more challenging questions.
  10. Stay Calm and Confident: Maintain a positive mindset, stay calm, and trust your preparation when taking the exam.

By following these tips and tricks, you can effectively prepare for the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam and boost your chances of success.

Career Benefits and Opportunities

Earning the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty certification can significantly impact your career by demonstrating your expertise in designing, implementing, and managing complex networking solutions on AWS. Here are some of the key career benefits and opportunities associated with this certification:

  1. Increased Job Opportunities: As organizations increasingly adopt cloud services, the demand for professionals with advanced networking skills on AWS continues to grow. This certification can open new job opportunities like Network Architect, Cloud Engineer, Solutions Architect, and DevOps Engineer.
  2. Higher Salaries: Professionals with the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty certification often command higher salaries than their non-certified counterparts, as organizations value their expertise in managing and implementing advanced networking architectures on AWS.
  3. Professional Credibility: Earning this certification demonstrates your commitment to staying current with industry trends and validates your expertise in AWS networking, enhancing your professional credibility among peers and employers.
  4. Skill Development: Preparing for the exam helps you better understand AWS networking services and best practices, enabling you to design and implement more efficient and secure network architectures.
  5. Networking Opportunities: Becoming AWS certified connects you with a global community of certified professionals, providing opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration.

The AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty certification can unlock new career opportunities, increase earning potential, and demonstrate your expertise in this in-demand field.


In this blog post, we have covered essential aspects of the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam, including:

  1. Introduction: An overview of the certification, benefits, and preparation tips.
  2. Exam Overview and Requirements: A detailed look at the exam format, content, prerequisites, and recertification process.
  3. Domains: A breakdown of the four exam domains, including Network Design, Network Implementation, Network Management and Operation, and Network Security, Compliance, and Governance.
  4. Study Resources and Strategies: A comprehensive list of recommended online courses, AWS official resources, and practice exams to help you prepare for the exam.
  5. Tips and Tricks for Exam Success: Essential tips and strategies to boost your chances of success in the exam.
  6. Career Benefits and Opportunities: An overview of the key career benefits and opportunities associated with earning the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty certification.

By following the guidance in this blog post, you can effectively prepare for the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam and unlock new career opportunities in the IT industry. Remember to utilize multiple resources, gain hands-on experience, and practice regularly to ensure your success in the exam. Good luck!


Unfortunately, I cannot provide direct links to the references used in this blog post. However, I encourage you to search for the following resources to help you prepare for the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam:

  1. AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty Exam Guide: The official exam guide provided by AWS outlines the exam objectives, domains, and recommended resources.
  2. AWS Training and Certification: The official AWS Training and Certification website, where you can find exam readiness training, digital and classroom training, and other resources.
  3. Online Courses: Search for online courses on platforms like Udemy, Whizlabs, Pluralsight, and that cover the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam topics.
  4. Practice Exams: Look for practice exams on websites like Udemy, Whizlabs, and TestPrepTraining to assess your knowledge and prepare for the exam.
  5. Study Groups and Forums: Join online study groups and forums, such as the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty LinkedIn group or the AWS subreddit, to connect with other professionals preparing for the exam.

By utilizing these resources, you can effectively prepare for the AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty exam and boost your chances of success.