To mount a volume in Docker, the user can either use the “–mount” or “-v” option in the “docker run” or “docker container create” command. Users can also create and mount volume in Dockerfile through the “VOLUME” command. In Docker compose, the “volumes” key is utilized to mount a volume with multi-container applications. Let’s dive into the methods to mount a volume with containers in Docker.

What is Docker Volume?

Docker volume is an external storage medium or file system that persists the data generated or used by containers. When the user removes the containers, the saved data will also be removed and cannot be used by any other container. To overcome this problem, the external file system (volume) is mounted with containers. These volumes are independent of container lifecycles and are also used for data backup. To manage and use volume in Docker, follow our detailed guide on “Manage Docker Volume”.

How to Create and Mount Volume in Dockerfile?

To create and mount volume in the Dockerfile, the “VOLUME” command is used. For demonstration, follow the below steps.

Step 1: Create Dockerfile

First, create a file in the nano editor named “Dockerfile”:

sudo nano Dockerfile

Next, copy the below Dockerfile commands into the file:

FROM nginx:latest
COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
VOLUME /usr/share/nginx/html/test-vol
ENTRYPOINT ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

In the above snippet, the “VOLUME” command will generate and mount the “test-vol” when the container is created from the Docker image.

Step 2: Generate Image

In the next step, generate the container blueprint from Dockerfile commands through the “docker build -t <image name>” command:

docker build -t test-img .
docker build -t test-img .

Step 3: Run the Container

After creating the image, create and fire up the container through the mentioned command:

docker run -p 80:80 --name test-cont -d test-img

In the above command, “-p” will publish the container exposed port on the host system. The “–name” flag will name the container and “-d” executes the container in the background:

docker run -p 80:80 --name test-cont -d test-img

Step 4: Open Container Shell

To verify if the “test-vol” is generated and mounted in the Docker container, access the container shell to run the commands inside the container. For this purpose, utilize the “docker exec -it <container name or container id> sh” command:

docker exec -it test-cont sh
docker exec -it test-cont sh

Step 5: Verification

To check if the “test-vol” is mounted or not, open the directory where the volume is mounted through the “cd” command:

cd /usr/share/nginx/html

To view the files and folder of the opened directory, utilize the “ls” command:


The below result indicates that we have effectively mounted the “test-vol” with the Docker container:

cd /usr/share/nginx/html

Bonus Tip: Shared the Mounted Volume with Another Container

Let’s use the mounted volume and save some data. Then, we will populate the “test-vol” in another Docker container and check if this volume can be shared with other containers or not. 

For this purpose, first, create a file in the “test-vol” volume and then create another container and share the volume of the above-created “test-cont” container with the new container. For illustration, go through the procedure below.

Step 1: Save a File in Volume

Navigate to the mounted volume through the “cd <volume name>” command:

cd test-vol

Create a file and save some content or text in it through the “echo” command:

echo "Hands-on Tutorial on Docker Volume">>test.txt
echo "Hands-on Tutorial on Docker Volume">>test.txt

Step 2: Exit Container Shell

Now, exit the “test-cont” container shell using the “exit” command:


Step 3: Create a New Container and Populate the Volume

Now, create another container through the Docker image. For demonstration, we have created a “test-cont2” container through our “html-img” image:

docker run -p 80 --name test-cont2 --volumes-from test-cont -d html-img

In the above command, the volume is populated in the new container through the “–volumes-from” option. The “volumes-from” option accesses the mounted volume from the existing container and populates it into a new container. In our case, we have accessed the volume from the “test-cont” container and shared it in the “test-cont2” container:

docker run -p 80 --name test-cont2 --volumes-from test-cont -d html-img

Step 4: Access New Container Shell

To check if the volume is shared in a new container or not, access the container shell of the second container through the “docker exec” command:

docker exec -it test-cont2 sh

Step 5: Verification

Read the file that is created in the “test-vol” in the above section and check if it is accessible or not. To do so, we have utilized the “cat <path to file.txt>” command:

cat /usr/share/nginx/html/test-vol/test.txt

The given result shows that we have successfully accessed the file that is saved in the first container’s “test-vol” volume which means we have effectively shared the volume of the first container with the new container:

docker exec -it test-cont2 sh

That is how the volume is mounted with the container through the Dockerfile.

How to Mount Volume Using “–mount” in Docker?

Another way to create and mount the volume with the container in Docker is through the “–mount” option. For this purpose, the user first needs to create the volume through the “docker volume create” command. After that, mount the volume with the container using the “–mount” option either in the “docker container create” or  “docker run” command.

For the practical demonstration, go through the mentioned steps.

Step 1: Create Docker Volume

Create a new Docker volume through the “docker volume create <vol-name>” command. This volume will be completely managed and operated by Docker:

docker volume create demo-vol
docker volume create demo-vol

Step 2: List Volume

To check if the volume is created or not, list the volume through the “docker volume ls” command:

docker volume ls

The output displays that we have created the “demo-vol” volume successfully:

docker volume ls

Step 3: Run Container and Mount Volume

Now, mount the volume with the container through the given command:

docker run -d -p 80:80 --name html-cont --mount source=demo-vol,target=/usr/share/nginx/html html-img

In the above command, the “–mount” option is used to mount the volume. This option contains two variables “source” and “target”. The “source” variable defines the source volume which is “demo-vol” and the “target” variable specifies the container point where the volume will be mounted which is “/usr/share/nginx/html”:

docker run -d -p 80:80 --name html-cont --mount source=demo-vol,target=/usr/share/nginx/html html-img

Step 4: Verification

To check if the volume is mounted with the Docker container or not, inspect the container by utilizing the “docker inspect <container name>” command:

docker inspect html-cont
docker inspect html-cont

From the below pointed “Mounts” key, you can see we have effectively mounted the “demo-vol” volume in the “html-cont” container:


How to Mount Volume Using “-v” in Docker?

In Docker, a developer can mount the external file system with the container through the “-v” option in the “docker run” or “docker container create” command. For demonstration, we will use “demo-vol” which is created in the above section:

Step 1: Create Container and Mount Volume

Create and start the container and mount the volume with the container through the “docker run -v <source volume name>:<path to container> <image name>” command: 

docker run -d -p 81:80 --name html-cont1 -v demo-vol:/usr/share/nginx/html html-img

Here, the “-v” option is utilized to mount the Docker volume in the container. In this case, the source volume and target path are specified directly without using any variables:

docker run -d -p 81:80 --name html-cont1 -v demo-vol:/usr/share/nginx/html html-img

Step 2: Inspect the Container

For verification, inspect the container and check if the volume is mounted or not:

docker inspect html-cont1
docker inspect html-cont1

The output below shows that the “demo-vol” has been successfully mounted, and its default type is “volume”:


To save container data on the system directory directly, follow the below section.

Bonus Tip: How to Mount System Directory as Docker Volume in Docker

To share files and directories between the host system and container, or to save container data on the host machine, the user can also mount the system directory as a volume in the container.

Step 1: Mount the System Directory in the Container

First, create and start the container using the “docker run -v <system directory path>:<path to container directory> <image name>” command:

docker run -d -p 80 --name html-cont2 -v .:/usr/share/nginx/html html-img

Here, we have mounted the current working directory as a volume at the container’s path “/usr/share/nginx/html”:

docker run -d -p 80 --name html-cont2 -v .:/usr/share/nginx/html html-img

Step 2: Inspect the Container

For confirmation, inspect the container:

docker inspect html-cont2
docker inspect html-cont2

The below output shows that we have effectively mounted the current working directory of the system at container specified path:


Step 3: Create a File in the System Directory

Let’s check if the data is shared between the system directory or container. For this purpose, create a simple text file in the system’s working directory:

echo "Hands-on Docker Volume">>demo.txt
echo "Hands-on Docker Volume">>demo.txt

List the files and folder through the “ls” command:


Here, the file is created in the system working directory that is also mounted with the “html-cont2” container:


Step 4: Access the Container Shell

Now, access the container shell to run the commands inside the container. Here, we have opened the “bash” container shell:

docker exec -it html-cont2 bash

Step 5: Check if the File is Shared or Not

After that, read the file that is created in the system directory from inside the container through the “cat <path where volume is mounted>” command:

cat /usr/share/nginx/html/demo.txt

Here, we have successfully read the from inside the container which means we have effectively shared and mounted the system directory as a volume in the container:

cat /usr/share/nginx/html/demo.txt

That is how volume can be mounted in Docker.

How to Mount Volume Using Docker Compose?

The Docker compose is a plugin that is utilized to deploy and manage multiple container services or apps. To mount a volume in Docker Compose, the “volumes” key is used to specify the source volume and targeted path where the volume will be mounted. For illustration, check out the following procedure.

Step 1: Create “docker-compose.yml” File

Make a yaml file in any text editor named “docker-compose.yml” file. For this purpose, we have used the “nano” editor:

sudo nano docker-compose.yml

Next, add the below-mentioned code block to the file:

version: "3"
    image: html-img
      - demo-vol:/usr/share/nginx/html
      - 80
    external: true

In the given code block, the “volumes” key is utilized to mount the Docker volume. Here, the source value will be mentioned on the left and the target container path will be on the right of the “:”. For instance, we have mounted “demo-vol” as the source volume and the targeted container path is “/usr/share/nginx/html”.

Step 2: Fire Up the Container

Next, deploy the container through the “docker-compose up” command:

docker-compose up -d
docker-compose up -d

For confirmation, check if the container is running or not through the “docker-compose ps -a” command:

docker-compose ps -a
docker-compose ps -a

Step 3: Inspect the Container

Lastly, inspect the docker-compose container through the “docker inspect <container name>” command:

docker inspect hands-on_web-page_1
docker inspect hands-on_web-page_1

The given results indicate that we have effectively mounted the “demo-vol” volume with the compose container:


Bonus Tip: How to Mount System Directory as Docker Volume in Docker Compose?

To mount the system directory as a volume in a container to share the data between the host system and the container in docker-compose, go through the following steps:

Step 1: Create “docker-compose.yaml” File

First, create or update a “docker-compose.yml” file. Here, we will update the file that is created in the above section:

version: "3"
    image: html-img
      - 80
    - type: bind
      source: .
      target: /usr/share/nginx/html

In the given snippet, the “volumes” key is used to mount the system directory as volume. Here, the “type” will be “bind”, the “source” key will specify the system directory path that you want to bind, and the “target” key will specify the container path where the system directory will be mounted in the container.

Step 2: Run the Compose Container

Now, execute the compose container:

docker-compose up -d
docker-compose up -d

Step 3: Inspect Container for Verification

For confirmation, again inspect the container and check if the system directory is mounted with the compose container or not:

docker inspect hands-on_webpage_1
docker inspect hands-on_webpage_1

The given output indicates that our system directory is effectively mounted with a compose container on the specified path:


We have covered all the possible ways to mount the volume with the container in Docker.


To mount a volume with a Docker container, different methods are used. In the Dockerfile, the “VOLUME” key is used to mount the volume. In the “docker run” or “docker create” command, the user can either use the “–mount” or “-v” options to mount the volume. In Docker compose, the “volumes” key is used to mount the volume with the multi-container applications. Additionally, the user can also mount the system directory as a volume with the container in Docker. This write-up has demonstrated all the possible ways to mount the volume with the container in Docker.