Amazon Route 53 is a Domain Name System (DNS) service in AWS that is designed to give developers and businesses an extremely reliable and cost-effective way to route end users to Internet applications by translating names like into the numeric IP addresses like that computers use to connect. Route 53 reduces the complexity and operational overhead of DNS management and allows you to focus on building your applications instead of managing a complex DNS infrastructure yourself. This Boto3 Route53 tutorial covers how you can automate the management of your DNS infrastructure in Route 53 using Python and the Boto3 library.

Table of contents


To get started with Amazon Route 53 using Boto3, you need to set up your Python environment on your laptop.

As a short summary, you need to install:

  • Python 3
  • Boto3
  • AWS CLI Tools

Alternatively, you can set up and launch a Cloud9 IDE Instance.

Create a public hosted DNS zone using Boto3

To create a public hosted DNS zone, you need to use the create_hosted_zone() method of the Boto3 Route53 client.

DNS public hosted zone holds a list of authoritative DNS name servers and other DNS records responsible for host resolution for the created zone. The domain name can either be an existing or a new domain.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.create_hosted_zone(

Here is the execution output.

Boto3 Route53 - Creating public hosted DNS Zone
Creating a public hosted DNS Zone

Create a private hosted DNS zone using Boto3

To create a private hosted DNS zone, you need to use the create_hosted_zone() method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters (VPC ID and AWS Region) for a private zone.

A private DNS hosted zone in Amazon Route 53 holds name server information and DNS records that enable querying a domain and its subdomains within one or more VPCs.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.create_hosted_zone(
        'VPCRegion': 'us-east-2',
        'VPCId': 'vpc-4b43de20'

Here is the execution output.

Create a private hosted DNS zone
Creating a private hosted DNS zone

Attach a VPC to a private hosted DNS zone

To associate a private hosted DNS zone to a VPC, you need to use the associate_vpc_with_hosted_zone() method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass required (HostedZoneId and VPC) parameters.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.associate_vpc_with_hosted_zone(
        'VPCRegion': 'us-east-2',
        'VPCId': 'vpc-08d4905ad0cd75085'
    Comment='Attach my-vpc-01'

Here is the execution output.

Associate a VPC to a private DNS zone
Associating a VPC to a private DNS zone

List private hosted DNS zones attached to a VPC

To return a list of all private hosted DNS zones associated with a specific VPC, you need to use the list_hosted_zones_by_vpc() methodof the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters, such as VPCId and VPCRegion.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.list_hosted_zones_by_vpc(

Here is the execution output.

Listing private hosted zones attached to a VPC
Listing private hosted zones attached to a VPC

Detach a VPC from a private hosted DNS zone

To detach a VPC from a private hosted DNS zone, you need to use the disassociate_vpc_from_hosted_zone() method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters, such as HostedZoneId and VPC.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.disassociate_vpc_from_hosted_zone(
        'VPCRegion': 'us-east-2',
        'VPCId': 'vpc-08d4905ad0cd75085'
    Comment='Detach my-vpc-01'

Here is the execution output.

Detach a VPC from private hosted zone
Detaching a VPC from a private hosted zone

Retrieve public and private hosted DNS zones information using Boto3

The following section will describe the various methods you can use to retrieve information about your public and private hosted zones in your AWS account using the Boto3 library.

Get specific hosted zone information

To retrieve information about the specific private or public hosted zone, you can use the get_hosted_zone() method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameter (Id), which identifies the specific hosted zone.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.get_hosted_zone(

Here is the execution output.

Getting hosted zone Information
Getting hosted zone Information

Get total number of hosted zones

To retrieve the number of hosted zones within your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account, use the get_hosted_zone_count() method of the Boto3 Route53 client, which will return the total number of public and private hosted zones.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.get_hosted_zone_count()

Here is the execution output.

Getting number of hosted zones
Getting number of hosted zones

Get hosted zone limits

To get the limits associated with a specific hosted zone, use the get_hosted_zone_limit() methodof the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters, such as Type and HostedZoneId.

Some of the limit types that you can use are:

  • MAX_RRSETS_BY_ZONE – gets the maximum number of records that you can create in the specified hosted zone
  • MAX_VPCS_ASSOCIATED_BY_ZONE – returns the maximum number of VPCs that you can associate with the specified private hosted zone.
import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.get_hosted_zone_limit(

Here is the execution output.

Getting hosted zone limits
Getting hosted zone limits

List all hosted zones

To list all public or private hosted zones in your AWS account, use the list_hosted_zones() methodof the Boto3 Route53 client.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.list_hosted_zones()

Here is the execution output.

Listing all hosted zones
Listing all hosted zones

Delete a hosted zone

To delete public or private hosted zones in Amazon Route 53, use the delete_hosted_zone() methodof the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameter (ID) of the hosted zone.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.delete_hosted_zone(

Here is the execution output.

Deleting a hosted zone
Deleting a hosted zone

Manage DNS zones reusable delegation sets using Boto3

Amazon Route 53 allows reusing of the same name servers for multiple hosted zones within’ your Amazon Web Services account by utilizing reusable delegation sets. In the following section, we will describe the different ways that you can manage them.

Create a resuable delegation set

To create a reusable delegation set, use the create_resuable_delegation_set() methodof the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the CallerReference parameter for the delegation. Optionally, you can use the HostedZoneId parameter to create a delegation set that reuses the name servers of an existing hosted zone.

A reusable delegation set can then be associated with a specific hosted DNS zone when creating a new hosted zone using the DelegationSetId parameter with the create_hosted_zone() method.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.create_reusable_delegation_set(

Here is the execution output.

Creating a delegation set
Creating a delegation set

List reusable delegation sets

To retrieve all the delegation sets within’ Route 53, use the list_resuable_delegation_sets() methodof the Boto3 Route53 client.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.list_reusable_delegation_sets()

Here is the execution output.

List delegation sets
List delegation sets

Get a reusable delegation set

To get the details about a specific delegation set, use the get_resuable_delegation_set() methodof the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameter (Id), the identifier for the specific reusable delegation set.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.get_reusable_delegation_set(

Here is the execution output.

Getting a delegation set
Getting a delegation set

Get a reusable delegation set limits

To get the maximum number of hosted zones that you can associate with a specific delegation set, use the get_resuable_delegation_set_limit() methodof the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters (Type and  DelegationSetId).

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.get_reusable_delegation_set_limit(

Here is the execution output.

Getting reusable delegation set limits
Getting reusable delegation set limits

Manage DNS zone resource records using Boto3

Amazon Route 53 allows managing DNS resource records such as A, AAA, CNAME, MX, TXT, PTR, and other DNS record types through the API. You can also configure a Routing policy for your DNS records choosing from a range of available options such as Simple, Weighted, Geolocation, Latency, Failover, and Multianswer value routing. In the following section, we are going to look at how to create the resource records and how to configure the routing policy for records in Route 53 using Boto3.

Create a resource record

To create a resource record, use the change_resource_record_sets() methodof the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters: HostedZoneId, ChangeBatch, Changes, Action, ResourceRecordSet, Name, and the Type of the DNS record.

In the following example, we will create an A record type DNS hosted zone.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.change_resource_record_sets(
        'Changes': [
                'Action': 'CREATE',
                'ResourceRecordSet': {
                    'Name': '',
                    'ResourceRecords': [
                            'Value': '',
                    'TTL': 60,
                    'Type': 'A',
        'Comment': 'Web Server',

Here is the execution output.

Create a DNS resource record
Create a DNS resource record

Update a resource record

To update a resource record, use the change_resource_record_sets() methodof the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the Action parameter using UPSERT as the option.

In the following example, I will update the Time to Live value (TTL) of an existing record from 60 seconds to 300 seconds.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.change_resource_record_sets(
        'Changes': [
                'Action': 'UPSERT',
                'ResourceRecordSet': {
                    'Name': '',
                    'ResourceRecords': [
                            'Value': '',
                    'TTL': 300,
                    'Type': 'A',
        'Comment': 'Web Server',

Here is the execution output.

Updating a resource record
Updating a resource record

List resource records

To list all the resource records within a given hosted zone, use the list_resource_record_sets() methodof the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameter (HostedZoneId).

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.list_resource_record_sets(

Here is the execution output.

Listing resource records
Listing resource records

Delete a resource record

To delete a resource record, use the change_resource_record_set()methodof the Boto3 Route53 client and change the option of the Action parameter to DELETE.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.change_resource_record_sets(
        'Changes': [
                'Action': 'DELETE',
                'ResourceRecordSet': {
                    'Name': '',
                    'ResourceRecords': [
                            'Value': '',
                    'TTL': 300,
                    'Type': 'A',
        'Comment': 'Web Server',

Here is the execution output.

Deleting a resource record
Deleting a resource record

Test DNS Answer

To test a DNS answer in Amazon Route 53, use the test_dns_answer()methodof the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters, such as the HostedZoneId, RecordName, and RecordType.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.test_dns_answer(

Here is the execution output.

Testing a DNS answer
Testing a DNS answer

Get resource records change status

To get the DNS resource record’s change status, use the get_change()methodof the Boto3 Route53 client and assign the required parameter (Id). The Id is returned by the change resource records sets method.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.get_change(

Here is the execution output.

Getting resource record's change status
Getting resource record’s change status

Manage resource records routing policies using Boto3

In this section of the article, we’ll cover how to manage Route53 resource records routing policies by using the Boto3 library.

Created weighted resource records

To create weighted resource record sets, use the change_resource_record_sets()methodof the Boto3 Route53 client and assign the required parameters to create a weighted resource record.

Weighted resource records enable the distribution of traffic among different instances using the Route 53 DNS zones.

The following example shows how to create two weighted resource record sets and assign a weight to each of the records of 60 and 40, respectively.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.change_resource_record_sets(
        'Changes': [
                'Action': 'CREATE',
                'ResourceRecordSet': {
                    'Name': '',
                    'ResourceRecords': [
                            'Value': '',
                    'SetIdentifier': 'Test Server 1',
                    'TTL': 60,
                    'Type': 'A',
                    'Weight': 60,
                'Action': 'CREATE',
                'ResourceRecordSet': {
                    'Name': '',
                    'ResourceRecords': [
                            'Value': '',
                    'SetIdentifier': 'Test Server 2',
                    'TTL': 60,
                    'Type': 'A',
                    'Weight': 40,
        'Comment': 'Test Web servers for',

Here is the execution output.

Creating weighted resource records
Creating weighted resource records

Create latency resource records

To create latency resource records, use the change_resource_record_sets() method of the Boto3 Route53 client and assign the required parameters to create a latency resource record.

Latency resource records enable you to use Amazon Route 53 to route traffic using the closest AWS region to the user.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.change_resource_record_sets(
        'Changes': [
                'Action': 'CREATE',
                'ResourceRecordSet': {
                    'Name': '',
                    'Region': 'us-east-2',
                    'ResourceRecords': [
                            'Value': '',
                    'SetIdentifier': 'Ohio region',
                    'TTL': 60,
                    'Type': 'A',
                'Action': 'CREATE',
                'ResourceRecordSet': {
                    'Name': '',
                    'Region': 'us-west-2',
                    'ResourceRecords': [
                            'Value': '',
                    'SetIdentifier': 'Oregon region',
                    'TTL': 60,
                    'Type': 'A',
        'Comment': 'Staging Web servers for',

Here is the execution output.

Creating latency resource records
Creating latency resource records

Create failover resource records

To create the failover resource records, use the change_resource_record_sets()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters and options to create the records.

Failover resource records in Amazon route 53 provide the functionality to create primary and secondary resource records, enabling you to route traffic to a different instance/service in case one is down. You can combine failover resource records with health checks to make sure traffic is routed to a service that is considered healthy.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.change_resource_record_sets(
        'Changes': [
                'Action': 'CREATE',
                'ResourceRecordSet': {
                    'Failover': 'PRIMARY',
                    'HealthCheckId': '18ac9f16-47e0-4982-bcbd-12670ddc07e3',
                    'Name': '',
                    'ResourceRecords': [
                            'Value': '',
                    'SetIdentifier': 'Production Server 1',
                    'TTL': 60,
                    'Type': 'A',
                'Action': 'CREATE',
                'ResourceRecordSet': {
                    'Failover': 'SECONDARY',
                    'HealthCheckId': '88a8a313-65f9-48da-a1d4-e3573454287b',
                    'Name': '',
                    'ResourceRecords': [
                            'Value': '',
                    'SetIdentifier': 'Production Server 2',
                    'TTL': 60,
                    'Type': 'A',
        'Comment': 'Failover configuration for',

Here is the execution output.

Creating failover resource records
Creating failover resource records

Create geolocation resource records

To create geolocation resource records, use the change_resource_records_sets() method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters and options for creating the records.

Geolocation resource records in Amazon Route 53 provide the functionality to respond to DNS queries based on the Geographic origin of the DNS query. This enables a faster response time to DNS queries of the different services using the resource records in the hosted DNS zone.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.change_resource_record_sets(
        'Changes': [
                'Action': 'CREATE',
                'ResourceRecordSet': {
                    'GeoLocation': {
                        'ContinentCode': 'NA',
                    'Name': '',
                    'ResourceRecords': [
                            'Value': '',
                    'SetIdentifier': 'North America',
                    'TTL': 60,
                    'Type': 'A',
                'Action': 'CREATE',
                'ResourceRecordSet': {
                    'GeoLocation': {
                        'ContinentCode': 'AF',
                    'Name': '',
                    'ResourceRecords': [
                            'Value': '',
                    'SetIdentifier': 'Africa',
                    'TTL': 60,
                    'Type': 'A',
                'Action': 'CREATE',
                'ResourceRecordSet': {
                    'GeoLocation': {
                        'ContinentCode': 'EU',
                    'Name': '',
                    'ResourceRecords': [
                            'Value': '',
                    'SetIdentifier': 'Europe',
                    'TTL': 60,
                    'Type': 'A',
                'Action': 'CREATE',
                'ResourceRecordSet': {
                    'GeoLocation': {
                        'CountryCode': '*',
                    'Name': '',
                    'ResourceRecords': [
                            'Value': '',
                    'SetIdentifier': 'Other locations',
                    'TTL': 60,
                    'Type': 'A',
        'Comment': 'Geolocation configuration for',

Here is the execution output.

Creating geolocation resource records
Creating geolocation resource records

List supported geographic locations

To view the list of supported geographic locations by Amazon Route 53, use the list_geo_locations()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and assign any of your desired parameters.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.list_geo_locations(

Here is the execution output.

Listing supported geographic locations
Listing supported geographic locations

Create multivalue answer resource records

To create a multivalue answer record, use the change_resource_record_sets() method of the Boto3 Route53 client, pass the required parameters, and set the MultiValueAnswer option to True.

Multivalue answer resource records provide the functionality to route traffic randomly to multiple services/instances, enabling you to achieve some load balancing between your instances.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.change_resource_record_sets(
        'Changes': [
                'Action': 'CREATE',
                'ResourceRecordSet': {
                    'Name': '',
                    'SetIdentifier': 'Multivalueanswer01',
                    'ResourceRecords': [
                            'Value': '',
                    'MultiValueAnswer': True,
                    'TTL': 60,
                    'Type': 'A',
        'Comment': 'Web Server',

Here is the execution output.

Creating multi-value answer resource records
Creating multivalue answer resource records

Manage DNS health checks using Boto3

Health checks in Amazon Route 53 are used to track the health status of your resources. This helps you to route traffic to instances/resources that are considered healthy.

In the following section, we are going to look at how to create, list, and delete health checks in Amazon Route 53 using Boto3.

Create a health check

To create a new health check, use the create_health_check()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters, such as CallerReference, HealthCheckConfig, and Type.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.create_health_check(
        'IPAddress': '',
        'Port': 443,
        'Type': 'HTTPS',
        'ResourcePath': '/testhealth.html',
        'RequestInterval': 30,
        'FailureThreshold': 4,
        'Regions': [

Here is the execution output.

Creating a health check
Creating a health check

Get a health check

To get information about a specific health check, use the get_health_check()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameter (HealthCheckId).

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.get_health_check(

Here is the execution output.

Getting a health check
Getting a health check

Get health check status

To get the status of a health check, use the get_health_check_status()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameter (HealthCheckId).

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.get_health_check_status(

Here is the execution output.

Getting a health check status
Getting a health check status

Get a health check failure reason

To get a reason why a specified DNS health check failed, use the get_health_check_last_failure_reason()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameter (HealthCheckId).

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.get_health_check_last_failure_reason(

Here is the execution output.

Getting a health check failure reason
Getting a health check failure reason

List health checks

To list all health checks associated with your AWS account, use the list_health_checks()method of the Boto3 Route53 client.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.list_health_checks()

Here is the execution output.

Listing health checks
Listing health checks

Get health checks count

To get the total number of health checks that at associated with your AWS account, use the get_health_check_count()method of the Boto3 Route53 client.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.get_health_check_count()

Here is the execution output.

Getting health check count
Getting health check count

Update a health check

To update a health check, use the update_health_check()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameter (HealthCheckId), and specify which values you want to update.

In the following example, I will update the Port value to a different port number for the health check.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.update_health_check(

Here is the execution output.

Updating a health check
Updating a health check

Manage DNSSEC using Boto3

Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) in Amazon Route 35 provides the capability for DNS resolvers to sign responses using public-key cryptography and validate that responses from Route 53 have not been modified. The following section will describe the various ways that you can work with DNSSEC, including enabling DNSSEC for hosted zones and creating key signing keys.

Create aDNSSEC signing key

To create aDNSSEC signing key, use the create_key_signing_key()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters, such as the CallerReference, HostedzoneId, KeyManagementServiceArn, Name and Status.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.create_key_signing_key(

Here is the execution output.

Creating a DNSSEC signing key
Creating aDNSSEC signing key

Enable DNSSEC for hosted zones

To enable DNSSEC for your hosted zone, use the enable_hosted_zone_dnssec()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameter (HostedZoneId) for your hosted zone.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.enable_hosted_zone_dnssec(

Here is the execution output.

Enable DNSSEC for hosted zones
Enable DNSSEC for hosted zones

Get DNSSEC information

To get information about DNSSEC for a hosted zone, use the get_dnssec()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and assign the required parameter (HostedZoneId).

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.get_dnssec(

Here is the execution output.

Getting DNSSEC information
Getting DNSSEC information

Disable DNSSEC

To disable DNSSEC for a hosted zone, use the disable_hosted_zone_dnssec()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameter (HostedZoneId).

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.disable_hosted_zone_dnssec(
Disabling DNSSEC
Disabling DNSSEC

Deactivate aDNSSEC signing key

To deactivate aDNSSEC signing key, use the deactivate_key_signing_key()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters, such as HostedZoneId and Name of the key-signing key.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.deactivate_key_signing_key(

Here is the execution output.

Deactivating a DNSSEC signing key
Deactivating aDNSSEC signing key

Activate aDNSSEC signing key

To activate aDNSSEC signing key, use the activate_key_sigining_key()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters: the HostedZoneId and Name of the key signing key.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.activate_key_signing_key(

Here is the execution output.

Activating a DNSSEC signing key
Activating aDNSSEC signing key

Delete aDNSSEC signing key

To delete aDNSSEC signing key, use the delete_key_signing_key()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters: the HostedZoneId and Name of the key signing key.

The key signing key must be in an inactive state for the delete operation to be successful.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.delete_key_signing_key(

Here is the execution output.

Deleting a DNSSEC signing key
Deleting aDNSSEC signing key

Configure query logging for DNS zones using Boto3

Amazon Route 53 includes the functionality of logging DNS queries for public hosted zones. In the following section, we are going to describe how we can achieve that using Boto3.

Create Route53 resource policy

To enable DNS query logging, you need to define a resource policy document that allows Route53 to access the CloudWatch log group that will store your query logs.

To create the resource policy, use the put_resource_policy()method of the Boto3 logs client and make sure to specify the AWS Region for CloudWatch Logs.

import json
import boto3
client = boto3.client('logs', region_name='us-east-1')
policy = {
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "Route53LogsToCloudWatchLogs",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Service": [
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:585584209241:log-group:*"
response = client.put_resource_policy(
    policyDocument= json.dumps(policy)

Here is the execution output.

Creating Route53 resource policy
Creating Route53 resource policy

For more information about AWS IAM, check the A quick intro to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) article.

Create DNS query logging configuration

To create the DNS query logging configuration, use the create_query_logging_config()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters: the HostedZoneId and the CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53',region_name="us-east-1")
response = client.create_query_logging_config(

Here is the execution output.

Creating query logging configuration
Creating query logging configuration

Get query logging configuration

To retrieve information about a specific query logging configuration, use the get_query_logging_config()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the Id parameter, the identifier for the DNS query logging configuration.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.get_query_logging_config(

Here is the execution output.

Getting query logging configuration
Getting query logging configuration

List query logging confgurations

To list all the query logging associated with your AWS account, use the list_query_logging_configs()method of the Boto3 Route53 client.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.list_query_logging_configs()

Here is the execution output.

Listing query logging configuration
Listing query logging configuration

Delete query logging configuration

To delete a query logging configuration, use the delete_query_logging_config()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameter, the Id of the query logging configuration.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.delete_query_logging_config(

Here is the execution output.

Deleting query logging configuration
Deleting query logging configuration

Configure DNS resource tagging using Boto3

Resource tags are used to group Amazon Web Service resources for different purposes, such as grouping and easing the identification of multiple environments and other uses cases such as budgeting and cost allocation.

In the following section, we will describe the different ways you can work with resource tags in Amazon Route 53.

Create resource tags

To create a new tag for a hosted zone, use the change_tags_for_resoure()method of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameter, such as ResourceType and ResourceId.

Tags can be created for either Amazon Route 53 zones or health checks.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.change_tags_for_resource(
            'Key': 'Cost Center',
            'Value': 'Development'

Here is the execution output.

Creating a Route53 hosted zone tag
Creating a Route53 hosted zone tag

List resource tags

To list Amazon Route 53 resource tags, use the list_tgs_for_resource()of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters, such as ResourceType and ResourceId.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.list_tags_for_resource(

Here is the execution output.

Listing resource tags
Listing resource tags

Remove resource tags

To remove a tag from an Amazon Route 53 resource, use the change_tags_for_resource()of the Boto3 Route53 client and pass the required parameters, such as ResourceType and ResourceId.

import boto3
client = boto3.client('route53')
response = client.change_tags_for_resource(
        'Cost Center',

Here is the execution output.

Removing resource tags
Removing resource tags


This article covered Python and the Boto3 library to create and manage DNS zones and records in the Amazon Route53.