Understanding AWS CLI Profile: What is AWS CLI Profile?

Are you curious about what an AWS CLI profile is and how it can help simplify your management of AWS services? The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) allows users to save frequently used configuration settings and credentials in files called profiles. The CLI uses the settings in the “default” profile by default, but users can create and reference additional profiles. Profiles can contain different credentials, AWS Regions, and output formats.

The configuration and credential files are plaintext files organized into sections. The config file contains sections for profiles, SSO sessions, and services, while the credentials file contains sections for profiles only. Profiles are defined by enclosing their names in brackets and specifying the corresponding settings within the section. The config and credentials files can be edited manually or configured using the aws configure command, which prompts the user for the relevant information.

The CLI prioritizes the settings in the following order: command line options, environment variables, assume role, assume role with web identity, IAM identity, credentials file, custom process, configuration file, Amazon EC2 instance profile credentials, and container credentials.

Key Takeaways

  • An AWS CLI profile is a saved configuration setting and credential file used to manage AWS services.
  • Profiles can contain different credentials, AWS Regions, and output formats.
  • The config and credentials files are organized into sections and can be edited manually or configured using the aws configure command.
  • The CLI prioritizes settings based on command line options, environment variables, and configuration files.
  • Understanding AWS CLI profiles can simplify and streamline your management of AWS services.

How to Set Up AWS CLI Profile

Ready to create your own AWS CLI profile? We’ll walk you through setting it up for easy management of your AWS services.

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) allows users to save frequently used configuration settings and credentials in files called profiles. The CLI uses the settings in the “default” profile by default, but users can create and reference additional profiles. Profiles can contain different credentials, AWS Regions, and output formats.

You have two options to set up an AWS CLI profile: manually editing the configuration and credential files or using the aws configure command. Let’s explore both methods.

Manual Editing

You need to locate the files on your system to edit the configuration and credential files manually. The config file is typically located at ~/.aws/config and the credentials file at ~/.aws/credentials. Open these files using a text editor and add a new profile section by enclosing the profile name in brackets []. The section specifies the relevant settings, such as access key, secret access key, and default AWS Region.

Using the aws configure command

If you prefer a more automated approach, you can use the aws configure command. Open your command line interface, type aws configure, and hit enter. You will be prompted to enter your AWS access key ID, secret access key, default AWS Region, and output format. Once you have provided this information, the CLI will create the necessary profile with your specified settings.

Remember, you can create multiple profiles to manage different AWS services or environments. Simply repeat the steps mentioned above for each profile you want to create. With your AWS CLI profile set up, you’ll have the flexibility to easily switch between profiles and execute commands specific to each profile, making your AWS management a breeze.

Profile NameAccess Key IDSecret Access KeyAWS Region

Managing AWS CLI Profiles

Once you set up multiple AWS CLI profiles, learn how to efficiently manage them and customize their settings according to your needs. Managing AWS CLI profiles allows you to switch between profiles, update profile settings, and delete profiles as necessary. This section will guide you through the process, ensuring you can seamlessly navigate different profiles and optimize your AWS CLI experience.

Switching Between Profiles

To switch between AWS CLI profiles, you can use the --profile option when executing CLI commands. Specify the profile name you want to use, and the CLI will automatically load the corresponding configuration and credential information. This allows you to work with different AWS accounts or regions without needing to manually edit files or reconfigure settings.

Updating Profile Settings

Customizing your AWS CLI profiles is essential to tailor them to your specific requirements. You can modify profile settings such as the default AWS Region, output format, and session duration. Accessing the config file allows you to update these settings for each profile easily. Additionally, you can leverage environment variables to override specific profile settings when executing CLI commands. This flexibility empowers you to adapt your profiles to different scenarios and optimize your workflow.

Deleting Profiles

If you no longer need a particular AWS CLI profile, you can delete it to streamline your profile management. To delete a profile, remove the corresponding section from both the config and credentials files. By removing unnecessary profiles, you can declutter your AWS CLI environment and ensure that you are only working with the profiles that are relevant to your current tasks.

By following these best practices for managing AWS CLI profiles, you can efficiently navigate and customize your AWS CLI environment. Whether you need to switch between profiles, update profile settings, or delete profiles, mastering these techniques will enhance your productivity and streamline your AWS CLI experience.

ProfileDefault RegionOutput Format

Working with AWS CLI Profile Commands

Now that your AWS CLI profile is set up, let’s dive into the commands you can use to interact with AWS services efficiently. The AWS CLI offers a wide range of commands that allow you to manage your resources, automate tasks, and retrieve information from your AWS account.

Here are some of the essential AWS CLI profile commands:

aws configure list-profiles

This command lists all the available profiles in your AWS CLI configuration, giving you an overview of the profiles you have set up.

aws configure get-profile

Use this command to retrieve the current profile being used by the AWS CLI. It’s helpful in cases where you have multiple profiles and need to confirm which one you’re currently working with.

aws s3 ls \
  --profile your_profile_name

This command lists the contents of an S3 bucket associated with a specific AWS CLI profile. Replace “your_profile_name” with the name of the profile you want to use.

aws ec2 describe-instances \
  --profile your_profile_name

Use this command to fetch information about your EC2 instances in a specific profile. It provides details such as instance IDs, instance types, status, and more.

aws lambda invoke \
  --function-name your_function_name \
  --profile your_profile_name

This command allows you to invoke a Lambda function associated with a particular AWS CLI profile. Replace your_function_name and your_profile_name with your actual function name and profile name, respectively.

By utilizing these commands and exploring the full potential of the AWS CLI, you can streamline your AWS operations and perform tasks efficiently within your chosen profile.

AWS CLI CommandDescription
aws configure list-profilesList all available profiles
aws configure get-profileRetrieve current profile
aws s3 ls --profile your_profile_nameList contents of an S3 bucket using a specific profile
aws ec2 describe-instances --profile your_profile_nameGet details of EC2 instances using a specific profile
aws lambda invoke --function-name your_function_name --profile your_profile_nameInvoke a Lambda function using a specific profile

Creating an AWS CLI Profile

Interested in creating a new AWS CLI profile? We’ll guide you through the process, making it quick and easy.

First, open your favorite text editor and navigate to the AWS configuration file. If you’re using Linux or macOS, the file is located at ~/.aws/config. For Windows users, you can find it at C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\config. This file will store the configuration settings for your AWS CLI profiles.

You’ll define your new profile in the configuration file by enclosing its name in square brackets. For example, if you want to create a profile named “my-profile,” you would add the following lines to the file:

[profile my-profile]
region = us-east-1
output = json

In the above example, we set the AWS Region to “us-east-1” and the output format to JSON for the “my-profile” profile. Feel free to customize these settings according to your needs.

Once you’ve saved the configuration file, you can move on to the AWS credentials file. This file, located at ~/.aws/credentials on Linux and macOS, or C:\Users\USERNAME\.aws\credentials on Windows, will store the credentials for your AWS CLI profiles.

To add the credentials for your new profile, insert the following lines into the credentials file:

aws_access_key_id = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Replace YOUR_ACCESS_KEY and YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY with the appropriate values for your AWS account.

Alternatively, you can use AWS-Vault for more secure credentials management.

That’s it! You’ve successfully created a new AWS CLI profile. Now, you can use this profile to execute commands specific to your profile’s settings. Happy AWS CLI profile management!

Understanding AWS CLI Profile Documentation

Comprehensive documentation is essential for understanding the intricacies of AWS CLI profiles. Whether you are new to AWS CLI or an experienced user, having access to reliable and up-to-date documentation can greatly enhance your ability to work with profiles effectively.

When it comes to AWS CLI profile documentation, one of the best resources is the official Amazon Web Services documentation website. Here, you will find a wealth of information on various topics related to AWS CLI, including detailed explanations, step-by-step tutorials, and examples.

The AWS CLI documentation provides a comprehensive guide on configuring and managing profiles, with detailed instructions for various scenarios. You will learn how to create, update, and delete profiles, switch between profiles, and execute profile-specific commands. Additionally, the documentation covers advanced topics such as optimizing your profile for efficiency and troubleshooting common issues.

Table: AWS CLI Profile Documentation Resources

AWS CLI DocumentationThe official documentation provided by Amazon Web Services, covering all aspects of AWS CLI, including profiles.
AWS CLI Support ForumsAn online community where users can ask questions, share knowledge, and seek assistance regarding AWS CLI profiles.
AWS CLI GitHub RepositoryThe official GitHub repository for AWS CLI, where you can access the source code, contribute, and find additional resources.

By leveraging these resources, you can better understand AWS CLI profiles and make the most of their capabilities. Remember to consult the documentation regularly to stay updated on new features, best practices, and any changes that may impact your profile configuration.

Optimizing AWS CLI Profile for Efficiency

Ready to take your AWS CLI profile management to the next level? Follow our tutorial on optimizing your profile for maximum efficiency and productivity.

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) offers a powerful way to interact with AWS services, but managing multiple profiles can become cumbersome without proper optimization. By fine-tuning your AWS CLI profile, you can streamline your workflow and maximize your AWS resources.

One key optimization technique is to use advanced configuration options provided by the AWS CLI. These options allow you to customize various aspects of your profile, such as default AWS Region, output format, and credentials. You can avoid repetitive command line typing and save time by specifying the most commonly used options in your profile configuration.

Another strategy for optimizing your AWS CLI profile is to leverage the power of command-line aliases. Aliases are shortcuts that allow you to define your custom commands, which can greatly simplify complex or frequently used operations. By creating aliases for commonly performed tasks, you can reduce the amount of typing required and increase your overall productivity.


What is an AWS CLI Profile?

An AWS CLI Profile is a configuration setting that allows users to save frequently used settings and credentials for the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). Profiles can contain different credentials, AWS Regions, and output formats.

How do I set up an AWS CLI Profile?

You can set up an AWS CLI Profile by either manually editing the configuration and credential files or using the aws configure command. The command prompts you for the necessary information to configure the profile.

How do I manage AWS CLI Profiles?

To manage AWS CLI Profiles, you can switch between profiles, update profile settings, and delete profiles. This allows you to manage multiple profiles for different AWS environments easily.

How do I work with AWS CLI Profile commands?

You can use AWS CLI Profile commands to interact with AWS services. These commands allow you to execute actions specific to a particular profile, making it easier to manage your AWS resources.

How do I create an AWS CLI Profile?

You can create an AWS CLI Profile by following step-by-step instructions, manually editing the configuration and credential files or using the aws configure command. This allows you to customize the profile settings according to your needs.

Where can I find AWS CLI Profile documentation?

AWS CLI Profile documentation is important for understanding and working with profiles effectively. You can access comprehensive documentation resources provided by AWS to learn more about working with profiles.